Marten Bos (Nederlands) speaker on Gestalt Conference for Psychology and Psychotherapy Practitioners | On-line 23th march 2024
The feeling of homelessness, uprootedness always follow the migration.
There are so many questions arisen on the way of leaving one home and arriving to the other, cutting some important connections and starting the new ones… What does it mean to feel at home? How can we adjust to new reality? What is it like to work with/deal with being in (a forced) disconnection from home. The impasse of being (temporarily or permanently) separated from your roots is a reality for many of us and our clients. Is working from field theory, grounding, working with ground and figure a suitable option?
Can we, as Gestalt therapists, deal with the impasse of being cut off, especially if we ourselves are experts in this area?
Can we explore new and familiar ways of belonging, being a part of: the “new country”, “new social ground”, maybe a “new chosen family”? Is this possible without neglecting the reality, the impasse of being separated from our roots? How to work with contact boundary and contact styles. How to work in the organising field, with the loss and gain, the shift of our identities. How to be there, with our clients, in compassion and creativity in a stuck situation?
We are inviting you to an explorative journey with an experienced gestalt driver and coach Marten Bos (Netherlands), international trainer, supervisor, gestalt-public speaker, moderator, connector, writer.