Gestalt Conference for Psychology and Psychotherapy Practitioners | On-line


16, 23 March 2024


Łódzka Szkola Gestalt logo dark

Łódzka Szkoła Gestalt

The Lodz School of Gestalt is an institute that conducts a comprehensive, four-year training course preparing to practice as a Gestalt psychotherapist. Since 2023, the school, as an organization is affiliated with the European Association for Gestalt Therapy EAGT (European Association for Gestalt Therapy), it has been training students in accordance with the standards and code of ethics of EAGT. The team of the Lodz Gestalt School works on the basis of such values as responsibility, individuality, uniqueness, balance and working with respect for one’s abilities, affirmation of diversity, attention to the emerging elements of the field, dialogue, equivalence in relationships, affirmation of corporeality, vitality, openness to self and others. For more information, visit

New Gestalt Voices

An international community and non-for-profit organisation committed to widening participation and exploring new ways of building community via application of gestalt (and aligned disciplines) across number of domains- health services, education, therapy, organisational/business, community and government/ political.

Lena Grigorieva (Belarus)

gestalt practitioner

l left home rapidly, after my close friend and colleague was arrested. My anxiety didn’t let me stay longer in the place that had lost the feeling of safety a long time ago but still had the name “home”. I live in a safe place now, with a feeling of homelessness in a house of exile.

Karolina Slifirska (Poland)

gestalt practitioner

Just recently, I was an interpersonal skills trainer and worked for a business. I decided to emigrate professionally from the world I knew well and from running a small training company to the world of Gestalt psychotherapy. Together with my husband Marcin, we now run the Lodz Gestalt School, work with a large team, and give ourselves and others a space to grow. We have never lost our home, but the decision to migrate professionally has caused our home to feel like a sea (sometimes calm, sometimes very rough) and we are learning to surf on the waves.

John Gillespie (Great Britain)

gestalt practitioner

After an unresolved break-up with my partner and unable to any longer hold the “will we/ won’t we get back together” I left London and re-located to a Scottish island. No longer taking for granted that I can walk down the road and feel okay here as a gay man, it is the first time in a long while, that I have begun to question ‘where is home’, and what’s it like to live without an external sense of being at home.