Gestalt Conference for Psychology and Psychotherapy Practitioners | On-line


16, 23 March 2024

Larysa Didkovska Anatolii Didkovsky speakers for International Gestalt Conference

Larysa Didkovska and Anatolii Didkovskyi (Ukraine)

Larysa Didkovska and Anatolii Didkovskyi (Ukraine) speakers on Gestalt Conference for Psychology and Psychotherapy Practitioners | On-line:

Migration always has many layers. Larysa and Anatoly are a family couple, professionals still living in Ukraine who experience the feeling of home under the bombs and continue their practice as psychologists.

Larysa Didkovska and Anatolii Didkovskyi are authors of the manual in work with migrants, which has become the key and in most cases the only tool for many professionals experiencing the consequences of the war, persecution, the need for change – both in practice and in their lives.

War polarises and leaves no safe place in the middle where it was possible to be before: there are either the forces of good or the forces of evil, “us” or “them”. It’s a very sudden and specific migration from there to now, the now where many parts are split. Larysa and Anatoly are those very people and professionals who have managed to integrate many split parts in their life and practice, managed to find structure and scientific ground for describing the processes connected to migration and are willing to share their experiences and insights. The lecture is a unique opportunity to get a structural view on the migration through the psychological paradigm and cross-cultural studies.

While the war in Ukraine is not over as it is still on-going, we need to find strong resources for integration, to adapt to the life full of everyday not only challenges but often threats to life.

It’s a unique opportunity to hear the voices of those colleagues who manage to survive, support and create constantly, new forms of adjustments.

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