Gestalt Conference for Psychology and Psychotherapy Practitioners | On-line


16, 23 March 2024

Tara Konrad (Ukraine) speaker on Gestalt Conference for Psychology and Psychotherapy Practitioners | On-line 23th march 2024

Tara Konrad (Ukraine)

Tara Konrad (Ukraine) speaker on Gestalt Conference for Psychology and Psychotherapy Practitioners | On-line 23th march 2024

Tara practices gestalt approach over 20 years already in all types of capacities: as a trainer, practitioner, supervisor. She got trained in different modalities but her major professional interest is work with trauma and crisis. This interest is caused by deep need to be creative enough to be able to support people going through different types of traumatic experiences in the times of war. Tara Konrad (Ukraine) work with those at frontline as well as their families since the very start of war in Ukraine in 2014. Starting from 2014 Tara with other Ukrainian colleagues have completed a series of advanced training courses in trauma and crisis from colleagues from all over the world.

Unfortunately it happened so that the most massive and multi-level traumatic events in European region happened in Ukraine. Since February 24 2022 Ukrainian colleagues daily work with deeply traumatized people and crisis states caused by Russian invasion to Ukraine. And now the time has come when professionals in Europe and all over the world have a chance to learn from those who work with trauma, who live in trauma, who have learnt and learning daily by doing.

Tara is a witness and explorer of trauma and crisis at all levels and in different extents. Her lecture is about not only sharing but also giving, giving the tools, opening perspectives, searching resources.

We invite you to the space with Tara filled not with pain but with hope and new visions on how to keep going. It’s about moving through whatever happens to yourself, to new awareness on you as an important part in the transgenerational development.

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