Gestalt Conference for Psychology and Psychotherapy Practitioners | On-line


16, 23 March 2024

Małgorzata Cynker and Dominika Plisiecka (Poland) speakers on International Gestalt Conference for Psychology and Psychotherapy Practitioners

Małgorzata Cynker and Dominika Plisiecka (Poland)

Małgorzata Cynker and Dominika Plisiecka (Poland) speakers on Gestalt Conference for Psychology and Psychotherapy Practitioners | On-line – 16 march 2024:

Welcome to the lecture “Experiencing loss…” from the experienced Polish gestalt practitioners Dominika Plisiecka and Małgorzata Cynker who work with people passing this world leaving their close-ones with the experience of loss…

Let us together explore what is this journey about from the moment of loosing a person to the newself.

Małgorzata Cynker and Dominika Plisiecka (Poland) on Conference:

In today world, dominated by progress and development, loss is an uncomfortable. At the same time, the number of clients who come for therapy having no resources to cope with the everyday losses associated with the process of life… loss of work, health, relationships is increasing. Simultaneously, the prevailing cult of self-development often overlooks closure, completion and the fertile vacuum as essential stages of the life cycle.

Within our lecture we will seek together the rites of passage that support the end as part of the beginning. We will explore the support to the ability to be with inevitable suffering. Developing awareness changing and inheriting loss as a natural part of life is a burning issue nowadays.

Let us recognise the everydayness of loss and the need to experience it fully!

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