Gestalt Conference for Psychology and Psychotherapy Practitioners | On-line


16, 23 March 2024

Cultural diversity in the therapist’s office

Cultural diversity in the therapist’s office – speaker: Anika Wyciślik-Wilson

After the Second World War, Poland became basically a culturally homogeneous country until the European Union opened its borders. In our offices in Poland, cultural confluence or lack of interest in a subject that seems to be a non-figure in the “white”, “monolingual” space often prevails. Meanwhile, the world is a melting pot of different cultures, traditions and customs. Its heterogeneity is sometimes the cause of acts of intolerance, hurtful behaviour, racist statements and lack of awareness in ourselves and our clients. In the age of globalisation, the problem of intercultural conflicts is becoming more and more acute and is appearing more and more frequently in Polish practices. AND VERY WELL… In this presentation I will try to look at the answer to the question of how to widen the awareness of openness to another person in the cultural sphere in the Gestalt approach.