Gestalt Conference for Psychology and Psychotherapy Practitioners | On-line


16, 23 March 2024

Tender voids – psychotherapy in a crisis of belonging

Tender voids – psychotherapy in a crisis of belonging – speakers: Monika Gendek and Katarzyna Rejniak

Psychotherapy in the era of the Eremocene – the age of loneliness – faces new tasks. We live in a world of a culture of excess and abuse, whose displaced or ‘banished’ experience is healthy dependence. We wish to stimulate your imagination and root your thinking in imagining psychotherapeutic practice in a collective paradigm. We want to present a perspective that embraces and mixes currents of biocentric, deeply ecological thinking with field theory and addiction issues. We invite you to weave a reflection on a culture of psychotherapy that recognises the crisis of ‘homelessness’ in climatic and humanitarian terms, while seeking active hope. A practice that refuses to support human development in the myth of progress and the pressure of perpetual growth.